...They working.
...And working and working. They working in Spanish.
...Ellos trabajando en Español. Y trabajando y trabajando y trabajando. Ellos trabajando. Ella y él trabajando. They working and riding bisykles and riding horses and riding motorsykles and riding rollerkoasters. Riding rides. Riding rides at the amusement park. At The Boardwalk. At The Kolossal Karnival Arkade Sirkus. Riding and riding. They riding the rides. They riding them.
...We laughing.
...You enjoying the ride.
...I liking it.
...You loving it.
...I feeling it.
...You tasting it.
...I smiling.
...You reseiving the rush of the air. Reseiving it and getting it and understanding it and knowing it and liking it and loving it. And loving it and loving it. Absolutely and totally kompletely loving it. And living it. Just kompletely loving the living of the rush of the air. And of the water of the waves and of the river and of the siti and its lights.
...And working and working. They working in Spanish.
...Ellos trabajando en Español. Y trabajando y trabajando y trabajando. Ellos trabajando. Ella y él trabajando. They working and riding bisykles and riding horses and riding motorsykles and riding rollerkoasters. Riding rides. Riding rides at the amusement park. At The Boardwalk. At The Kolossal Karnival Arkade Sirkus. Riding and riding. They riding the rides. They riding them.
...We laughing.
...You enjoying the ride.
...I liking it.
...You loving it.
...I feeling it.
...You tasting it.
...I smiling.
...You reseiving the rush of the air. Reseiving it and getting it and understanding it and knowing it and liking it and loving it. And loving it and loving it. Absolutely and totally kompletely loving it. And living it. Just kompletely loving the living of the rush of the air. And of the water of the waves and of the river and of the siti and its lights.