They there.
They in that place. In the best place.
In the best of places. They there. Playing and working and playing and working and working and playing and living and loving and not dying and dying nor bleeding and bleeding or sinking and sinking but instead there steady.
And there working and working and playing the piano and playing it and then they dancing. And dancing and dancing and dancing. Dancing the tango. Dancing it and dancing it and just moving.
And moving and moving. Moving to the music. And moving to it and moving into it. Moving and moving to it.
Moving to the music.
They moving to the music.
She and he moving to it.
Moving easily and simply and beautifully and effortlessly and smoothly and sweetly and nicely and naturally and instinctively and sweetly again and smoothly and heavenly and smoothly.
Like liquid. Like milk flowing. Like water. Like crude oil. Like gasoline. Like liquid fuel. Like fuel. Moving and moving happily and madly and madly and sweetly and sweetly and slowly and slowly and deeply and deeply and permanently and perpetually and freely.
Freely and freely and spontaneously and instantly. They moving and grooving and flowing like a river flowing like the water of a river. Flowing and flowing and flowing and flowing constantly and doggedly and forcefully and powerfully and persistently and steadily. Flowing and flowing and flowing. Flowing like a river. Flowing like the water of a river. They flowing while dancing the tango. Flowing and it working them and them always moving. Just moving and moving steadily moving and moving at a good pace at a sustainable pace a comfortable pace. Moving and moving and working and dancing and dancing and traveling and traveling and circulating and orbiting and circling the globe. Circling it and orbiting the globe the planet the stage the world Earth.
Going and going and...
Going and going easily. And easily and easily. Going and going fast easily. Going fast and being there and being there and there in that place. That place. That place place place place and place place place place and in that time and settling and settling. In that place and in that time. Being there then. And being there and being there. Being in that place. At that time. Being there in that place and being there at that time. Being there and living there and loving it. Loving the ease and the sweetness and the niceness and the goodness and depth and the warmth. And the warmth. The warmth the warmth the warmth. As the warmth was working.
They and it there working. And working fast and easily with ease and it and with it and with it with an ease and an ease and it.
They there working it and it working them and working them and working them still moving them still moving them even after all the time still moving them even after all the working. Moving them.
And moving them and they moving and moving and moving and so they moving and moving and working with it and playing with it and playing with it and moving it around and around.
Shifting it and shaping it and tweaking it and exploring it and feeling it and building it.
Building it up. And up and up and up and up and up all the way up. Building it and building it and building it and building it and then living in it and having it and possessing it and perhaps owning it and using it and enjoying it and loving it.
And loving it.
They loving the place. They loving the work. They loving the time. They loving everything about it. And loving everything and loving everything and loving it and loving it and loving it and feeling it and touching it and being a part of it and a part and playing the part playing the rose and playing it and playing it and performing it and doing it and doing it and being it and being it and tasting it and touching it and embodying it and personifying it and portraying it and imaging it and filming it and recording it and writing it and scripting it and living it and living it and living it and living it and living it and living it.
And living it.
And loving it.
And eating it up. And up and up. Eating it up. And up. Eating it and inhaling it and breathing it and sleeping it and sleeping on it and living with wit and with it and existing with it and surviving with it and living off of it and living on it and counting on it and banking on it and relying upon it. And upon it and enjoying it and relishing it and absorbing it and transmitting it and transmitting it and broadcasting it and channeling it and channeling it and channeling it and channeling it and passing it on and along. Passing it on. Passing it on. And on and on.
They dining on it. And dining on it and dining on it and dining on it and staying warm with it and staying warm and surviving and living with it living it up and up and up and up and up and up and up. Way up. So high up. All the way up. So that there were there. And there in that place on that day. They there. And there and staying there and settling there and living there and then traveling on from there using it as a base as a home base as a point a point of reference using it as a starting point and an ending point. Using it as a measure.
Monkey Munney
If the words of this little sample taste of the one hundred or so pages of this eBook have moved you in any way perhaps you might wish to konsider making an inquiry of any kind direkted at the publisher at And Finally...Thank You. And Thank You And Again Thank You. So Much. Many Thanks. For Everything. Most Especially For The Stuff That Is Kalled Love.