...Thigh gghgn. Thighhhggahgen. Thingamajigs and Thingamabobs. Whirligigs and Whirlwinds of wonders in imagination suddenly seen and heard and felt as they she and hee the heroine and the hero danse and sing and akt karrying out the famous vaunted oak kleeving Triple Threat akin to a Triple Play of Baseball. These TNTs these dynamites of The Theatre. And of The Stage. And now probably The Page too. Hekk and Hell let them let the heroine Dozz and the hero Buxx kut right direktly to The Chase and say: The Universe. The one that kan be looked at with mere naked human animal eyes and seen in its entirety. Seen and heard. Smelled and smelted and tasted and touched. Sensed. In all its bigg beautiful bloody stripped dragsterness. Total vakuum nothingness. Then something something to quarks and atoms elektrons protons neutrons and such to its komplete klothedness and then everything in between. Its absolute infinitenessness. And sweetness and love and kindness and strength. Depth and breath and width and height and length komplete vastness. Its everything. From zero mass negative mass antimatter mass all the extremely long long long way out to its one hundred persent solid giant huge bodies. And also its spaces sprinkled with blakkholes. Smaller and smaller and smaller still yet partikles…up to solid dense thikk rich hot empty yet full way way way out there space distanse time events aktion intelligence design purpose power humour frun and fun and games that it did seem to play on human mortals. Who somehow someway seem to be kut yet from the kloth of immortal material. And thus possess this said same quality and…and…nature. And kapasiti and kapability and talent and skill. Komplete total utter nonsense garballeegook knukkleball randomness suddenly arranging itself into divine order and…sense and understanding. Familiarity and ease and done and whole and happy. At long last happy. Smiling. Having fun. Enjoying it all. Enjoying nooks and krannies and old grannies and new grandpas and young children. Babies Fresh Out Of The Oven. All manner of beings and kreatures and energies. A whole spektrum of thoughts and forms. Formulas and rases. All manner. All types. All kinds all Kings all Queens all shapes all sizes. All with one mission one purpose one love one lust one hunger for freedom one oneness. One wonder one beauty one long lone life. One long lone life out of Karls billions upon billions and then Neils trillions of gazillions of lives…stars…galaxies. Systems suns moons daughters sons sonsofbitches siences arts akts fakts fikts motions movements notes measures rhythms symphonies operas and sounds and notes again. Everything for the whole vast last kast of players performing nise and smooth and natural now. Now again and gaining ground like mad. Like our famous mad sientist. For her and for him peaceful fun relaxed at ease soaking it all in taking it all in. Absorbing it. And then transmitting and channeling it so it flowing right through them right through her and him and they feeling it together. They both together as one as a team as a united unit. Again with this ONE business. Busyness buzzness buzzardness. They as ONE they together they She and Hee. Woman and Man. Man and Woman. Being and Being. Dansing a Tango. The sweetest of Tangoes. One where everything went. Went wild. They both going with this Tango. Moving with it and with the musik. This slikk silky sikk slim simple honest deep klean movement. With steps flowing and flowing. Their two bodies flowing and then blowing in the wind. Powered by The Wind. This Hott Wind. All Of It. Empires and Kastles and Palases built from skratch built from nothing built from this wind. Pure junk. Total garbage trash filth disease. Komplete Death and Dirt and Danger. Fantes Dust. And its Asking. And Hell too also. And its Gates. And Bills BillyBoys Billy Gateses billions. Billions of dollars U.S. Unites States. Of Amerika. Billions upon Billions. These States one part of Amerika. Geographikally speaking. Kurrently. Kurrentsy and Kurrent. Elektrisiti and Exsitement. Energy and Matter. Energy equated with Matter. Energy equal to Matter. Spirit equivalent to Physikal. They interchangeable. Bigg Al. Bigg Al Einstein and his Bigg Ideas.
...Bold and New and Provoking.
...Thought provoking.
...Thought provoking Thought.
...One right after another. Dante and his Inferno and his Komedy. His Hell and His Heaven. Miss P and Her Paradise. Miss P. Yes Miss P. Miss Papaya and Miss Peacha. Miss Bunny Papaya and Miss Sweeta Peacha. And Miss Sonrisa Olé Avokado. Now along with Miss Mary and Miss Maria. Maria of Russia. And Maria of Mozambique too. Monique of Mozambique also. And Miss B. Miss Banana. Miss Kikita Banana. All these Missus. Mississ. Mississippis. Rivers. Indians. Kippiwas and Navajo and Mikkosukee and Shoshone and Sioux and Squaw. Valleys and Mountains. Natives. Indians. East Indians and West Indians. Just running around town and planets. Some all buttassed bareassed Buxx bukk nekid as jaybirds naked as Nancy in her fansy dansing pants naked as nature. Nature Herself. Mother Nature. Sister Nature. Brother Nature. O Brother For Art Thou Nature. Native Nature. Divine Nature. Nise Nature. Natural Nature. And some sugarpies klothed to the hilt as well. So they staying at The Hilton. At The Hotel. At a hotel. At a nise one. A good one. A small simple kool extremely very romantiko one. One for winners. No time for losers. Just time and just in time for winners. Just winners. Winners only. No Krying in Baseball. Nor in dansing this Tango either. Winners only need apply for this job yob...Mister Steven Apple Jobs and Mister Stephen Apple Woz Wozniak and Doktor Stephen Horror Shining Hawking Hakking King. And Karoline Wozniakky hitting now our bright neon yellow tennis ball akross the net. The net strung tight akross the kourt of the arena. Serena. Karoline hitting it to her friend foe kompetitor kompetition sister Serena. Then this Sister Serena murdering it akross to Sister Venus. Venus slicing it to Brother Mars. Mars blobs and lobs it to Parent Pluto. Yes Pluto a Parent. The Planet. The Planet Pluto...a full fledged Parent. A FullFedged Planet. Despite its relatively new klassified status as Dwarf. Or some such thing. NonPlanet Planet Pluto nondoing with nothingness way out there from Planet Earth. Planet Earth and all its konserns and konflikts and wars and konvikts and kriminals and rules and regulations and prisons and jails and birds and bees exes and exekutives very kute female executives in some spots and sexes and "o"s and "x"s and kisses and huggs and looks and effs and esses. Its Fukks and Shits. Airport Kode FUK of siti Fukuoka in Japan and island PHUKET in Thailand to boot. Fukkit. Fudge and Shukks. Fukkit. Bukkit. Bukkit List It. Let us do this. Let us do this thing. Let us ride this full on pedal to the heavy Rokk and Roll metal gunslinging PorsshePuppy alllllll the way to The Mooooooon Alise. And Uma and Jamaika and LilyRose and Lizzi and Janey Babey and Hong Honey and June Darling and LuLu Love and Jennifer Sweetheart. ALLLLLLL THEEEEEEE WAYYYYYYY. To. The. Bigg. Bank. In. The. Sky. All The Way. All. The. Way.
...Bold and New and Provoking.
...Thought provoking.
...Thought provoking Thought.
...One right after another. Dante and his Inferno and his Komedy. His Hell and His Heaven. Miss P and Her Paradise. Miss P. Yes Miss P. Miss Papaya and Miss Peacha. Miss Bunny Papaya and Miss Sweeta Peacha. And Miss Sonrisa Olé Avokado. Now along with Miss Mary and Miss Maria. Maria of Russia. And Maria of Mozambique too. Monique of Mozambique also. And Miss B. Miss Banana. Miss Kikita Banana. All these Missus. Mississ. Mississippis. Rivers. Indians. Kippiwas and Navajo and Mikkosukee and Shoshone and Sioux and Squaw. Valleys and Mountains. Natives. Indians. East Indians and West Indians. Just running around town and planets. Some all buttassed bareassed Buxx bukk nekid as jaybirds naked as Nancy in her fansy dansing pants naked as nature. Nature Herself. Mother Nature. Sister Nature. Brother Nature. O Brother For Art Thou Nature. Native Nature. Divine Nature. Nise Nature. Natural Nature. And some sugarpies klothed to the hilt as well. So they staying at The Hilton. At The Hotel. At a hotel. At a nise one. A good one. A small simple kool extremely very romantiko one. One for winners. No time for losers. Just time and just in time for winners. Just winners. Winners only. No Krying in Baseball. Nor in dansing this Tango either. Winners only need apply for this job yob...Mister Steven Apple Jobs and Mister Stephen Apple Woz Wozniak and Doktor Stephen Horror Shining Hawking Hakking King. And Karoline Wozniakky hitting now our bright neon yellow tennis ball akross the net. The net strung tight akross the kourt of the arena. Serena. Karoline hitting it to her friend foe kompetitor kompetition sister Serena. Then this Sister Serena murdering it akross to Sister Venus. Venus slicing it to Brother Mars. Mars blobs and lobs it to Parent Pluto. Yes Pluto a Parent. The Planet. The Planet Pluto...a full fledged Parent. A FullFedged Planet. Despite its relatively new klassified status as Dwarf. Or some such thing. NonPlanet Planet Pluto nondoing with nothingness way out there from Planet Earth. Planet Earth and all its konserns and konflikts and wars and konvikts and kriminals and rules and regulations and prisons and jails and birds and bees exes and exekutives very kute female executives in some spots and sexes and "o"s and "x"s and kisses and huggs and looks and effs and esses. Its Fukks and Shits. Airport Kode FUK of siti Fukuoka in Japan and island PHUKET in Thailand to boot. Fukkit. Fudge and Shukks. Fukkit. Bukkit. Bukkit List It. Let us do this. Let us do this thing. Let us ride this full on pedal to the heavy Rokk and Roll metal gunslinging PorsshePuppy alllllll the way to The Mooooooon Alise. And Uma and Jamaika and LilyRose and Lizzi and Janey Babey and Hong Honey and June Darling and LuLu Love and Jennifer Sweetheart. ALLLLLLL THEEEEEEE WAYYYYYYY. To. The. Bigg. Bank. In. The. Sky. All The Way. All. The. Way.