
He working. He was working now. Here. He was here working on her. He was here now working on her. And working on her and working on her. He was here now working on her. He was here now working on her. He was here now working on her. And working on her and on her. He working on her. He now here working on her. He now working on her here. He now working here on her. He now here hearing her. He now here hearing her sing to him. He now here hearing her sing to him. And sing and sing. He hearing her work on him. And work on him and work on him and work on him. He also working on her. He working on her. And her and her and her and her and her. And on her and her.

He working on ehr. He now working on her. He her workingo n her. Andw orking on andw orkingo n her. And workingo n her and workkign on her. Working and working andw orking and working on her. Andw orking on her and owrking on her and working on her. he writing her. He writing her letters. He writing stories for her. He writing them for her.

He writing for her. He working for her. He gunning and aiming and shooting and filming for her. He wishing and wanting for her. Yes he wanting for her. He wanting her and wanting for her. He needing her adn needing for her. He working her and working for her. He having her. He having his way with her. He all over her and on top of her and she loving it. He loving her. He being with her. He spendign time with her. Spending his time with her. Spending the time with her. Spending the days with her. And the nights. He spending his life with her.

And spending it.

And spending it.

And spending it and spendign it and spending it. With her. And her and her and her and her. He spendign life with her. He living with her. And living with her and living with her and working and traveling with ehr. he traveling with her. he moving with her. He dancing with her. he singing with her. He eating with her. He sleepign with her. He waking with her. He walking with her.

He walkign with her.

And walking with her and walking and walking and traveling and flying and flying with her. And flying and flying and flying with her here now. He flying with her then. And there. then adn there he flying with ehyr. And flying and flying adn flying and flying and working and flying and riding with her and roping with her and cowboying it up with her and doing it up with her and doing it and doing it and doing it and doing and doing and doing with her.

He doing with her.

He going with her.

He going steady with her.

She his sweetheart.

His sweet heart.

She his.

She all his.

She his baby.

She his love.

He going with her. Going steady. Working steady with her. And working and working and working and working and working steady with her.

Monkey Munney

If the words of this little sample taste of the one hundred or so pages of this eBook have moved you in any way perhaps you might wish to konsider making an inquiry of any kind direkted at the publisher at And Finally...Thank You. And Thank You And Again Thank You. So Much. Many Thanks. For Everything. Most Especially For The Stuff That Is Kalled Love.