
They now today be doing the work.

They be working. And working and working. She and he be doing the work together. They be doing it and doing it.

And doing it.

And working it.

And playing with it. Playing with the work. They be playing with the work.

And playing with it and playing with it.

Playing with it like playing a piano. Playing with it like a player piano. Playing it automatically and mechanically and by heart from the heart.

Playing it and playing it.

And then now ldkdldkjdfsdfsd. And adfl afdfa fdfd.

And adfasf dsfasdf fsdfadfas.

All day long afa asddddf sadf asf.

Like riding a horse. Galloping a horsing. Running a horse. Letting a horse run wild and run free. Aaf adfaf asdfdfsdfasf.

Letting this race horse run. And run and run and run and f asdf asdf asdf asdf f sdfsdfsfasda.

And adfasdfasdfasd jsdh f.

Running and running and running adn running be the horse be this horse. Running and running and running for the roses in the run for the roses.

Running for the roses in The Run For The Roses.

Running and running and running. Horse and jockey running. And running and running and working and working and running andmoving and moving and moving and going adn going and going and running and running and galloping in high gear. Galloping and galloping and galloping.

A race horse not reined in but reined out.

Yes a racehorse reined out.

Turned loose.

Set free.

This horse akl;dfj al; kfj a;lsdkfj a;sldkf a;jfhasljh f asfhl asj as asl dfhaslkjfh asklj fhaslkj fasldjkfh aslkfh aslkdjfh askldjfh asklh ajklsh.

And akldfj aj asdaf asf afasfasasfasf asasd fasdff as fasffa aasdf asd.

And afafjasdfjkash fhj fasfasd fa fasdfaafsaf sfaas faf.

And 5645456456 44564 6534 3 2453 45 45 45 4 545 5 45 5 64 564 45 54 4 5445 4 23 31 17 7 4 2347 2347 4 12378946241289 7462462 1978462146 24789 629 7846789 4.

And 7890 12378 7813412478 12789 478 178 .

And working.

And going.

And doing it.

They doing the thing. And the thing doing them. The thing doing her and him.

They asjkldfh asfasfasdf.

And aa a a a a aa a a a a a a go o gogo g g go go t tot t otot to to g g ogo o ggo no no yyyys se sey sey sey sey se sey yes and yes abnd yes and yes and syes and yes and yes.

And wrko wrko werko rko werko and do do do do do eb ebeb eb adn be. And be.

And aDF asDFa
f a
f af

asf sdfasf asdfasd

And eb ebeb eb b be eb e no on.

They be working the bank. They be working in the bank. They be working on the bank. They be working on the bank job. They be working on the bank work. They be working on it. They be working on being the bank. And being it and being it and being it.

As they do go and go and go and go go go go gogo go go go
go go go go do do do d odo dodo oddod odo d o d.

And a a a a ww ee e dfg gfx x x x x y y y y z z z z z zzzzz z z z z z z zzzzzzzzz zz z z z z z x x x x z z z z z z z z z x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x z zz z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z x x x x x x xx x x x oo o o o o o o o o x x x x x x x x xx x oo o o o o o x x x x x x x x x x x x x oo o o o o o o o o o x x x z zz z z z o o o a a a a And winning and winning and grinning and grinning and gaining adn increasing adn going up and up and up andup up working up and up and up working up and working and working andworking up. They working up. They working their way up. And up and up and up higher and higher. And high and high and high.

They working. And working and working and playing and having fun having a blasat having a good time. Having one and having one. They be owning a good one. They own a good one. They own a good horse. They own a good egg. They own a good property. A good home. A fine home. A home.

They own one. They have one. And one and one and one. They have one. They have a good one. They have a dandy one. A real one. A real live one. A wild one. They have a wild one. They have a wild life. They have a wild work. They have a wild time. They have are having have been having a wild ride. It has been one wild ride.

Monkey Munney

If the words of this little sample taste of the one hundred or so pages of this eBook have moved you in any way perhaps you might wish to konsider making an inquiry of any kind direkted at the publisher at And Finally...Thank You. And Thank You And Again Thank You. So Much. Many Thanks. For Everything. Most Especially For The Stuff That Is Kalled Love.