
Working. And working and traveling and flying high. Living it up and doing it p and havign a ball at The Grand Ball. Dancing up a storm and romancing and going and seeing and feeling and tasting and drinking. And winning and grinning from ear to ear smiling and laughing and having a good old time. Living the life. Having a great time. In the ballroom. Dancing and dining and then later tangoing in the small intimate private salon moving just moving and no longer thinking just moving two bodies just moving she andhe just moving. And then they not moving but then they moving again. Moving freely and effortlessly. Naturally and smoothly and easily. The music now moving them they only along for the ride. They riding the notes of the measures of the rhythms of the music. They riding and being moved by it all by the music the energy the lights the atmosphere fueling feeling of some kind of romance by the smells by the sounds. They being worked. The dancing working them. The tango moving them. It all moving them. Moving her and him there and then. Alaska Black and Hank Green. They moving. Doing it up and being up awake all night dancing and listening to the music and sharing it all with all the people all night long. Living the dream and loving the dream. And loving it and loving it. They being in it. They in the dream. They in it. They in the world. They living in the world. They in the door. They in the club. They inside the juke joint. The juke joint surrounded by a junkyard. A junkyard that had watch dogs. German shepherds.

Monkey Munney

If the words of this little sample taste of the one hundred or so pages of this eBook have moved you in any way perhaps you might wish to konsider making an inquiry of any kind direkted at the publisher at And Finally...Thank You. And Thank You And Again Thank You. So Much. Many Thanks. For Everything. Most Especially For The Stuff That Is Kalled Love.